We had another wonderful summer at Wohelo, our 113th or so… Below are some photos from the past month.
Also be sure to check out the videos from the summer at our
Videos page – https://wohelo.com/camp-video/
Watersports Day at Sebago Wohelo was very successful.
The Banquets lived up to the hype.
Staff celebrating their summer together on final staff lobster dinner night.
Then Family Camp for two weeks. We had lots of families with LOTS of past summers at Wohelo and Family Camp. They had all sorts of adventures including making fire using a War Canoe to pull the rope from the lake.
Some Wohelo and Timanous campers with their entry to the Family Camper organized Cocktail competition.
And then a lot of days like this lunch on the playground, and imagine the same thing at the beach in the morning and afternoon.
Now we are getting ready for 2020! Lots of you have signed up already and registration is open at – CampMinder . We will again be holding off new half session campers until October 15th, but they may complete the application at this time.
Returning and full session campers – sign up by October 15th!!!
This is to guarantee your spot and early reg discount but also for early registration gift that is sent in December. This earlier date will give us the option of embroidery for that item (that we don’t know yet:)
2020 Reunion – Labor Day 2020
Now only one year away!!! Sign up details will be coming in the November Wohelo Bird but start collecting your crew now, prizes will be awarded for the years with the highest participation rate, farthest traveled, complete TG groups……