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Wohelo Camps
25 Gulick Road
Raymond, ME 04071
Phone: (207) 655-4739

Sebago Wohelo
Camper Name
25 Wohelo Road
Raymond, ME 04071

Little Wohelo
Camper Name
25 Little Wohelo Road
Raymond, ME 04071

There are many great camps in Maine, but very few (if any) that have been owned and directed by the same family for more than 100 years. Our program is time tested and the traditions are rich. Wohelo’s most unique feature are the two separate camps which allow a girl to progress through the years with lots of challenge and age appropriate activities. The younger girls are not over shadowed by the older girls and the older girls can learn at a higher level.

Wohelo is one of the most beautiful camps in the country. With over a mile of shore front on beautiful Sebago Lake our campers feel as if they are deep in the woods in Maine and away from modern influences. Sandy beaches, crystal clear water, private islands, protected coves, lakeside cabins and endless sunsets against the White Mountains are only a few of the stand out features of Wohelo. A piece of Wohelo’s tranquility stays with each camper all her life.

Girls from all over the world come to Wohelo.  Our campers represent 24 different states, 6 different countries, and lots of different personalities.  Some of them have heard about Wohelo through friends, many have been to Wohelo before (about 50%) and some have never been to camp, but often parents or grandparents went to camp.  Every Wohelo girl shares a love of learning, a sense of adventure and the motivation to have fun.

A group of Wohelo campers
A Wohelo ballerina dancing on stage

Wohelo is equipped with a full modern infirmary and a full time nurse 24 hours a day. Medications are given at meals, and sick call is conducted after breakfast at both camps and in the evening at Little Wohelo. If your daughter has a fever, or has vomited or is just not feeling herself, Wohelo healthcare will keep her in the infirmary over night. Sometimes a camper just needs a night of quiet to recuperate her energy; therefore, if a child spends more than one night in the infirmary, Wohelo will call you. Dr. Stephen Barter is our camp doctor, and he sees our campers on a daily basis if need be. If a camper needs to go to the doctor, Wohelo will call you.

For the first two weeks of camp Wohelo is closed to visitors. This gives us an opportunity to settle into our community and learn the daily routines and generally get adjusted to camp life . After two weeks parents are welcome to visit. We have a suggested visitors weekend both at our half session and at the end of the summer. In our experience, girls tend to have a hard time adjusting, then adjusting back to having visitors and then diving back into the independent lifestyle of camp. We recommend, for the sake of the campers, that parents come to visit once during the summer.

After two weeks your daughter is allowed to leave with you, although, as stated above, we find that campers have a hard time adjusting when parents come in and out of camp. We ask our families to use discretion when taking their daughter out as there will be exciting things she could miss and it is always a challenge to transition out of and then back into camp. All campers are required to be back in camp by evening meeting (7:30pm @ Little Wohelo and 7:45pm @ Sebago Wohelo)

Toward the end of the first week campers are asked to turn in daily schedules to the office. Directors review the schedules with the counselors to be sure that a girl has a full schedule and reasonable goals. Most campers settle into daily routines based around honors that they want to achieve. If they want to earn an honor, one of the requirements is daily attendance. We have found that most Wohelo girls balance their schedules around honor classes that are required and crafts which are more free form. Most campers have only one free period a day. If a camper has more than two free periods, the counselor and director try to help that girl find activities to become involved in. Campers are required to attend meals, rest time in the cabin, evening meeting and taps.

Any food allergies should be listed on the required medical form. This is reviewed by the nurses, directors and food service if necessary. We have successfully worked with vegan diets, lactose intolerance and peanut allergies. Counselors are trained to handle an allergic crisis and notified of any camper that has allergies of concern.

Wohelo has a no-phone-call policy as we have found that often a child has more difficulty after the phone call than before. The directors, however, are always willing to answer questions or investigate concerns. In an emergency situation you would be put in contact with your daughter at an appropriate time.