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Warm April in Maine

Dew covered webs and foggy Boulders Cove seem more like May and June than early April.   Good chance the lake will be quite a bit warmer this summer than usual.



The Archery Field, Barn and Farmhouse look green and ready for the summer. 


Notice the new Bluebird House that was just installed on the hill.   It was given to us by Camp Fire Girls to recognize Charlotte and Luther Halsey Gulick (more details two posts ago).   Below is photo of Charlotte in one of the camp gardens with the same brown barn in the background (far right). 
The building to the left would have been horse stables.  The white building in the middle ‘The Farmhouse”  was used as an infirmary for many years before Snowbirds was built.  It was replaced about 15 years ago.   Hiiteni-in-Garden

And almost 100 years later her great grandson adds manure to our current camp garden in front of the “New Farmhouse” this Aprilmanua


American Girls published a book about summer camp.   It is specifically about two girls from New York who attend camp in 1916, during the Polio epidemic.    That same polio era  (a long era) was when Bent Nail and Twisted Screw were built (and named)  assisted by a large group of campers who stayed at camp for weeks after the normal season to protect them from the disease in New York. 
The end of the book has a 10 page information section of the polio years and early summer camp information.   They used several Wohelo photos from Charlie’s Book (see below).   They compensated Wohelo for the use of the photos with a scholarship donation which is why you’ve seen their name listed in the Wohelo Bird.   They also sent us 10 copies of the book and Ellie says it’s good!  We’ll have them in the camp libraries this summer.

We are experimenting with  Photo listings for this coming summer.   We think this would be an easy way for people to order copies of the photos we post weekly on the website.   To test it out we posted a large group of photos from Sebago Wohelo last summer.  Take a look at them here –  (The password is the same as for the current photos)    

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