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April is Here

After a relatively uneventful winter, we got hit with a late March snowstorm last week and are expecting another storm this week. Spring in Maine keeps you on your toes! We’re hoping for a clear day to see the upcoming solar eclipse. The last time this occurred in Maine was on July 20, 1963, and former campers remember watching it on Lewa Dock!

Book Recommendation

In February, Mark and Quincy saw NY Times best-selling author and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, Ph.D., keynote the Camp Owners and Directors Association event held before the ACA National Conference. Haidt’s new book, The Anxious Generation, and the recent NPR article, “The Consequences of a Smartphone-Centered Childhood” confirm that a summer camp, without a phone, is the best place in the world for young adults. ACA National Board Chair-Elect Steve Baskin shared his insights on “Why Kids Need Summer Camp” on Haidt’s blog After Babel.

Maggie Rogers

Check out Wo alumnae Maggie Rogers’ new music video for “Don’t Forget Me.” You’ll see a familiar Wo bird hat and Timanous sign. Her new album will be released on April 12th.

Camp Nurse Staff for this summer!!

If you or someone you know would like to join our nursing staff this summer please contact us at  

We have so loved the energy from Donna and Norma these past summers.  We will miss them this year as they commit more of their time and energy to Your Phoenix is Rising – 

Spruce Up Weekend

It is time again for our annual Spruce Up weekend at Wohelo and you’re invited! Join us on Friday, May 24 (first meal served at dinner) – Monday, May 27 (last meal is breakfast). Cost: Your labor and laughter. Provided: Room, board, and odd jobs of helpfulness. To sign up, CLICK HERE and fill out the form. 

Wohelobration 2025!

Our 2021 Wohelobration was a blast, and we’re excited to do it again in 2025! As we begin planning for the next Wohelobration, we’d love to hear from you and if you’re hoping to join us. Please CLICK HERE to fill out the interest form and mark your calendars for Labor Day Weekend 2025 (Friday, August 29th – Monday, September 1st). 

Sebago Wohelo Newsletters

We send out monthly newsletters to Sebago Wohelo families and staff. If you’d like to read any of the previous newsletters, please click on the links below. You’ll learn about what we’re up to in the off-season, activities at camp, and more!

2023-2024 Newsletters: September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April

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