A lot of hard work through the summer thus far in all the activities.

4th of July Tow may have been the most boats ever!

A big group of enthusiastic sailors this summer. When the morning weather report calls for wind – the dining hall erupts in cheers:)
This letter was sent to our database on August 1st.
Hello Wohelo Family,
As we enjoy our last days of awards, friendships and forgetting about COVID in the wonderful bubble we call Wohelo, we are planning ahead to the fall and beyond.
Parents – may visit camp after they pick up their daughters on August 12th if they have no immune compromised or sick people in their group. We ask that you pickup after 9 am to let others leave earlier and not interact if they would prefer. We also ask that you be masked at all times and not go into the cabins, not only because they may be messy:)
Alums – may visit starting August 13th at Sebago Wohelo and August 28th at Little Wohelo as we are running Family Camp for two weeks (still some space available). Please plan the visit with Mark at wohelo@wohelo.com so we know who will be around. Please respect others regarding distancing and masks, not always necessary but “Don’t walk backwards in a yellow slicker…..”.
Wohelobration is going to be a blast this Labor Day. https://wohelo.com/wohelobration/
Sign up now!
Prospects – please plan a tour through wohelo@wohelo.com for dates after August 12th. We would love to show you around.
Summer 2022 – Dates are June 23rd – August 11th. Tuition is $10,200.
We have scholarship options available.
Full Session – Having all full session campers this summer reminds us that it is without a doubt the most meaningful experience for the campers and also the counselors. We will try to continue this as much as possible. When this is not feasible we will go back to half sessions, especially at Little Wohelo for a first year camper. We will open up registration for 2022 on August 20th, full session only, and keep you updated with our enrollments. We plan on having a complete plan for 2022 by November 15th regarding sessions.
All the best for the rest of the summer.