Girls Camps in Raymond, Maine

Wohelo Campers enjoy summer close to nature where they learn new skills and make lifelong friends. In a caring and stimulating environment, they experience the Wohelo values of cooperation, teamwork, and respecting differences. They develop self confidence, responsibility for themselves and others, and a kindly spirit.
Little Wohelo is for campers ages 6-12. Sebago Wohelo is for campers ages 12-16 with 16 year olds invited to return as counselors-in-training. Each camp enjoys its own facilities and programs. Little Wohelo, adjoining but one-half mile from Sebago Wohelo, features a gentle terrain and a large sandy beach. Activities are focused on skill levels and interests appropriate for young campers. Sebago Wohelo is more wooded and looks out over Sebago Lake on high rocks above the water. Campers participate in a wide variety of activities that engage them in more advanced levels.

“I can tell that the counselors work so well with my Hannah. Hannah used to love swimming but stopped after she met one very tough coach. It’s because of the patience and kindness of the camp staff that Hannah is able to love swimming again. I’m so grateful this camp has made her stronger. My purpose was accomplished. I believe that she will be very different after this, and she will grow so much from this experience. There are no words to express my gratitude. Thank you all for your support.”
-Wohelo Parent
“I love Wohelo because of the wonderful friendships that I have made here and the immense amount of learning that I do every summer. At Wohelo I learn who I am, and at home is where I apply it.”
-Wohelo Counselor
“The scholarship Camp Wohelo granted to my daughter has changed her life. She has been given the opportunity to participate in activities that she up until now, had only read about or seen on TV.”
– Scholarship Parent
Autumn at Wohelo
Happy Autumn – A Busy Time for Our Maintenance Team! Here at camp, the leaves are changing, the days are shorter, and the air is
September at Camp
Summers Always Fly… It’s hard to believe it’s already September as it feels like camp ended yesterday. It was a wonderful summer, and we hope
April is Here
After a relatively uneventful winter, we got hit with a late March snowstorm last week and are expecting another storm this week. Spring in Maine